Monday 27 December 2010

Dynamic Architecture

I was going through the interweb and I realised I was not inspired by Kinetic Architecture, but by Dynamic Architecture. I stumble upon Responsive Architecture as well, with all having a similar response method, and that is Techonology with very different vision. Responsive architecture is an evolving field of architectural practice and research. Responsive architectures are those that measure actual environmental conditions (via sensors) to enable buildings to adapt their form, shape, color or character responsively (via actuators). Kinetic architecture is a design concept in modern architecture which explores the physical transformation of a building with the objective to redefine traditional applications on motion through technological innovation. The use of robotics, mechanics and electronics are being more known as new approaches into architectural possibilities. Dynamic architecture seems to involved both but with an added 4th dimension, Time. I have seen a number of videos online and it involves alot of technical knowledge which is not my forte, yet. I mentioned of applying Kinetic architecture which is actually Dynamic, but with the lack of knowledge in technical capabilities, I would try to use the idea of Time, “Architecture as Part of the Environment”, adjusting to the sun and the wind, to the view and to our momentary requirements.

This video is obtain from the Dynamic Architecture or Youtube website.

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