I am a big fan of video games, not just because I get the opportunity to blow zombie heads off occasionally, but I adore games like Final Fantasy because its visually stimulating and instead of playing it, I take my time walking around in the game sinking in the awesome creativity the production team has brought forward towards the game. I can assume alot of gamers would just ignore and not appreciate the amount of work that has been put through especially the younger generations because this is probably the norm. Anyways, it makes me wonder many times whether the design inside video games are the way forward? Or its something that we wonder hence its the way forward. It is just the same as wondering and saying that we would fly many years ago and now we have planes and helicopters. Architecture design is moving forward, both structural and visually, due to the modern and newer programmes and materials being innovatively used and made, but is the design becoming more of a cliche then radical or innovative? I know the likes of Zaha Hadid pushes the boundaries of technology to fit her difficult radical design as one might say, but I was not refering to that type of radical, radicalised towards fantasy, a type of building that would only appear in dreams. I made the initiative to look at a few pictures to compare and for some reason it does not provide the same aura, is it because its rendered hence it looks animated? Or we have not tried that approach yet? Or I am just being ignorant and something similar has been tried? Here are just a few examples comparing reality and fantasy.Reality New York
Kuala Lumpur
Hong Kong
Looking at some of the best cities in the world, the tall concrete buildings do provide a sense of cliche. A similar scene can be reproduce anywhere else and the image above is only differentiated by just a singular entity.Fantasy 

The more I look and wonder, I realised that maybe I am not looking for a huge radical change in design but to make sure a repetition does not occur. The idea is to create your own identity that can't be found anywhere else, and when I say identity, its not just a tall building that becomes an "iconic" feature of the city, but something radically different. Every picture in the fantasy section is different and although it showcased tall buildings but the ambience is always different. Maybe it is just me, but I find it exciting.
My hometown Kota Kinabalu, is a developing city and there are words going around that "Skyscrapers" would be needed in the future. It is not ideal from my point of view due to the ecological and geographical feature but I had an impulse idea of creating a fantasy city, which I now realised that I need to create a radical masterplan which hopefully can be applied to in the near future. I would start my mission and vision by completing the 4 new entrance statement and upload to share when permitted.
This building was design by Santiago Calatrava, I just uploaded this picture because the picture above for some particular reason reminded me of it.

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