Tuesday 9 August 2011


For some particular reason I feel uninspired right now, although I am looking at archi sites daily, and I am finishing off another competition design work for this Sunday, things still does not feel right. Maybe because I was told that architecture is just a passion, and its not a thing you can earn money from. Reality just starts kicking in, I am at the point of earning for my own living, listening to married couples talk about life's difficulties, it is something I think I am prepared for, but I wont know it until I try it. Ever feel underachieved? That is how I feel right now, just need to push forward, life is a marathon, its a cliche to say it, but its a cliche for a reason, cause its true. Maybe it is also because, I did a feasibility study for a project terrace house back home, and IF i do not get the project because there are merit reasons in comparison with other designer, it is fine with me, but if political issues are involved, it just makes me mad, it is just an insult to all. I know it happens everywhere, and they keep asking me why I do not wish to go back. I think I need a abit of change in life, to do something different that I would not normally do, and that would be.....no clue, ge a hobby, maybe. Anyways, at least this blog, http://www.ohiseered.com/ is still inspiring me to do something fun with art, I have to thank my sister for showing me this blog. I will think of something, something, something, nothing right now lol. I think I repeated this concern before, oh well, it is my space to say what I want.

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