Tuesday 10 November 2009

The Human Camera

This is something very interesting that I saw on bdonline, an artist drawing an aerial view of a city after just 20 minutes of looking, without refering back. I'll be quoting what bdonline said in the article.

"Most architects have an eye for a nice building, but try looking at a building for twenty minutes and then going away and trying to re-create a life-like drawing of it. Now try a whole street. Now try a whole city.

Seems impossible, right? But British artist Stephen Wiltshire does just that and his latest exhibition features an 18 ft panorama view of New York as seen, for twenty minutes, from a helicopter.

After months and months of CGI's pinging into the straining inbox, these hand drawn images are refreshing and a reminder of just how amazing people can be, even without computers."


If link is not possible, go to youtube and search Beautiful Mind, Stephen Wiltshire. Kudos to him.

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