Saturday, 29 January 2011

The City of Dreams Pavilion Final Sheets

This design was suppose to look fun and intriguing, but I did not manage to show it in my second sheet. I did not utilise my time properly, dividing my time between work and my design work at the moment is difficult and would help if I can get myself a powerful laptop, or else the renders would take forever, not that my desktop would help alot.

I could not provide much details regarding price of build or companies that provide the materials. I struggled to define a suitable manufacturer company, as I was 'bing-ing', I came across a material stock system which was confusing for me to understand in a short period of time. I am just aware that materials used for the pavilion are all recycled and has great buildability. I must realise by now that I should not do the typing late at night, I might just be mumbling just to finish the work. I really need to learn to present a good construction drawings.

I will be moving onwards to a huge competition project next to try and learn to cope with client's detail needs. I know I would have a fresher mind set soon as I am flying home for Chinese New Year tomorrow. I dont really know what I am talking about anymore, it is 3am and its way past bedtime. Hope you all enjoy my competition entry.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

A Different View, Radical [-] or [+]

I recently received a forwarded email from my dad and it was one of those pictures from Dubai about its construction and new develpment. I would normally see and ignore a few seconds after that, but for some reason I started thinking about the design considerations that were put into the design for such project. They were never practical to start with and it was only for 'iconic' view purposes without any true consideration for the site. Alot of designers, like me would obviously love if there is the opportunity to redesign the whole city like my hometon, making it more sustainable and is a reflection of the environment. Maybe Dubai is an opportunity to create the perfect city with such a huge canvas but it would definitely has it downfalls with such a rapid development. China is somewhat the new Dubai, but maybe they have the human capacity to fill the new development space void.

This is a view from the top of Burj Dubai. The first picture seems to be fake but I am sure the second one is true, able to see the curvature of the Earth. I tried uploading more pictures of the reclaim man made island in Dubai but I cant for some particular reason, however, have a look at this site. It was done not long ago but it has already started sinking, it might happen with the houses show above.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Dream City Pavilion: Final Perspective

I just finish my first perspetive render and I have uploaded it here alongside the development work that I did in Sketchup to reach the final product. I would assume its not the most effecient of ways but thats the only way I know. I probably would have to learn to use Rhino or 3D Max for the rounder curves, but if I am not mistaken, Sketchup has a plugin to deal with curves.

My Dream City Pavilion is designed based upon the idea that a dream is a projection that looks and feels real, but knowing that its just mental images going through your head at night. These idea are projected into my pavilion, giving people the impression that the floating pavilion is real but provides them the doubt whether it is ever possible. The floating pavilion is supported by 4 thin columns that is precisely covered with reflective glasses, so when reflected with the surroundings, it gives the impression of a view through the structure. The circular tubes are made out of corrugated cardboard so its lightweight, making sure the columns can be thinner so it would be less obvious. Every tube is a store, a storage to your dreams, it opens and it closes, it varies all the time. To most people, dreams are unpredictable, its short, its long, it sways and its steady, but it will always be a part of you. This Pavilion is for you to store your dream, a dream city of your choice, a perfect city to provide for the next generations to come.

The final perspective is shown below. It still looks better in my head, but I do struggle if the models are not linear. I will try to tackle this project asap, and will move from small scale competitions to huge ones with 2 already in line. Comments about the design is welcome.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Improving Along the Way: Examples of Work

I was talking to a friend about competitions and I cant help reminding myself the first competition I ever tried and the thought of it makes me cringe. I cant believe my design and presentation capabilities at that time was so low. I may not have the time to fully utilise my time for the competition, but its a far cry to what I was producing for the firm I was working for during my year out. It is something that I would never ever had to look at again but I just cant help it, browsing through my competition folder while waiting for my City of Dreams Pavilion to load the intersections. It was the year 2008 and I was given a website that updates itself with architecture competition daily, not sure why I pick this competition in particular.

The first thing that came into mind is what is with the swaying circles? It does not make any sense and the presentation as a whole is abysmal. These drawings below are just some of the work I was producing for my previous firm. My year out was really important to me, cause it certainly has widen up my perspective viewpoint about architecture.

My final design thesis perspective (below) definitely gives me the confidence, knowing that I did improve within the past 3 years. I am in the process of redesigning a new Performing Centre in my head to try and use simple design processes, seeking influence from Mr. Ingels to achieve the final product.

Finally, this last picture is my experimental approach towads the entrance design statement for my freelance job. Like I said, I have 6 and this is the 6th design concept which are under consideration. The others are not as radical and I am still advised not too upload the work. I was willing to upload this one cause its very experimental, and feedbacks are really needed just to know what others think about it, but honestly speaking, its huge, bold and radical, and I actually love it. It is inspired by the terrain that surounds us in Sabah, and with a hint of fantasy, it will be floating with rays of lights piercing through the gaps. It is a space that gathers attention for incoming drivers from afar.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Feeling Underachieve

For some particular reason, I am feeling very underachieve although I know I have only graduated last summer. Maybe the fact that I am not working with an architecture firm is somewhat frustrating. I am trying to do alot of competition work to try and get some positive results and act as a catalyst to my career, but I have a feeling that I might just be putting myself to much pressure to be successful. I never thought of something like this in the past, but the determination to surpass all my high school colleagues started in university and rised drastically in postgraduate. One thing is for certain, knowing what others have achieved based on what I have been told or seen, Bjarke Ingels made a huge impact on my determination to move even forward. His design thesis is being realised, and when I had time to reflect on my previous design thesis, I am not happy and a redesign in my ahead has already started. The only way to get a commission for that project is to get my cert, but most of all, to know someone inside, a corrupted polictical method we have in Kota Kinabalu. I would only try to convinced them with a presentation and see how it goes. I have my entrance project freelance commission, it took me half a day to design one and I have 6 to show, loved it initially but hating it now, maybe it is just the pressure or not being confident in my own design. It is a good opportunity but I want more, but I know I have to be patient. I think these are just some of the factors that might have affected how I really feel, the need to get a car, the need to get my own house, the pressure to settle down, opening my own firm, to win some competitions, but most of all, to prove myself that I am capable to achieving something at the highest of level. Oh, I know I dont have the brains, but having a pHD would be cool. Started applying internationally, UK is getting worse with employment, Paris, Singapore and Australia, be nice to me.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Way Forward?

I am bored, waiting for my Sketchup to load with 3 surfaces being intersect with a few hundred of 200x200 cm corrugated cardboard cylinder. It is time to get a new desktop or laptop but everything at the moment is out of my budget. So while browsing through some concept works, I came across these 2, the winner and 2nd place for the Kaohshiung Port Terminal competition. Is fantasy lighting like in the movie Tron Legacy the way forward? Or just my way forward? My quest to find my style of design continues.

The City of Dreams Pavilion

This is a competition I am currently doing and I am giving myself a few days to finish my design. I already have the design concept in my head, it is now all about modelling it up in Sketchup and bringing it to life. This competition is in its 2nd year so I took the initiative to look up at the design standard for 2010 which I think is pretty high. The winner went to "Living Pavilion”, a low‐tech, zero‐impact structure that employs reclaimed milk crates as the framework for growing a planted “green wall” surface. I quote from "The pavilion’s construction is simple and modular, relying on common materials such as heavy‐duty packaging straps and weather‐treated wood for its assembly. Erected in the courtyard of Liggett Hall for Governors Island’s summer season, the pavilion will provide refuge from the heat in a shaded environment kept cool by the evaporation from its planted surfaces. As the pavilion’s vaulted form meets the ground, it unfolds into a mat of crates planted with crops that can be harvested and distributed to the community. At the end of the season, its modular design will allow easy disassembly and distribution to the New York area for use in homes, public places, and community gardens."

It is funny how the render can be different from the actual product. The picture below is the final product shown during the event. The crate is a very creative way of using it as a borrowing product, trying to create a zero-impact pavilion, but I didnt realized their weather-treated wood would be so bold comparing to what they have initially for their renders.
Here are just some of the other top finalist for the competition.

[2] Nimbus, ECHOMATERICO, Check out the website, they have a pretty good presentation pieces for the competition.


Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Most Creative People in the Business Industry

There is a New York based magazine call fastcompany that showcases the top 100 most creative person around the globe and it all consist of people from Apples, Microsoft, Nissan just to name a few. I followed the site for just a couple of years but there are no more then 3 Architects in a year. I am not sure if that is a bad thing or a good thing, but the standard has been put down and 3 is the minimum for our profession. In 2009, we had Thom Mayne [15], Norman Foster [38] and Zaha Hadid [68] taking the 3 spots in the top 100. In 2010, we have Jean Nouvel [19], and my new-one-of-my-favourite-architect Bjarke Ingels [64] and Kazuyo Sejima [88]. The reason I like Bjarke Ingels work is because it has a similar ambience to Vincent Callebaut, daring, playful and futuristic. These are the things that makes me want to push towards a new design approach, dynamic fantasy architecture, realistic or not, it really depends. I am going to post and share some of my favourite works from the candidate of 2010.

Jean Nouvel [19]

I love this building, this is the design that got me into thinking about fantasy architecture. The huge roof looks like a huge bubble hovering a city, protecting the people inside it, and the way the sunlight is being cleverly taken into cosideration gives me the sense of calmness.

Bjarke Ingels [64]

I checked on Archdaily everyday and because the site constantly updates itself, it is easy to overlook the architects, engineer and place of build. I did not realised I had a few of Bjarke Ingels's work kept in my folder, making him now one of favourite younger gens architects. He has a certain way of coming about his design concept but seems to be simple yet very effective, but I believe simple is the most difficult thing to master.

Kazuyo Sejima [88]

Kazuyo has a finer, detailed approach to design, a method I tried but seems to sway towards big and bold all the time. This is not my style but her beautiful delicate approach is something I can try and learn, earning herself the 2010 Pritzker Prize beating Ito and Holl.

Fav archs: WOHA, Bjarke Ingels, Vincent Callebaut