Portfolio Review[1] : The Briggate Project

This is my final presentation on my Briggate project for my portfolio examination at A0 a piece, accompanied by 3 sketchbooks. It is a mixed scheme building situated just off of lower Briggate Street, sited on an open carpark along Sovereign Street. IDENTIFICATION [Summary]Briggate has been identified as a retail engine, but instead of stating the obvious, why do people go to Briggate to commute? Are the people of Leeds being forced to go there to shop? Looking things at a different perspective, i ask myself, are we the architect/masterplanners responsible for this matter? There is a demand for accomodation in town centre to give community the opportunity to experience City Living, but we designers have been bombarding residential flats without adding in the most important ingredient, 'community'. The prime example would be Clarence Dock. A brief walk around that area, you would instantly realize the lack of retail and services provided, nothing but the sound of factory humming in your eardrum. Not only that, it also lacks of green space which are highly valued by families, and this problem evidently shows right after walking pass the bus station, creating this transparent boundary between spaces. The lack of support towards the development of the tram from the council would definitely give the Clarence Dock and its other counter parts a huge blow, which otherwise would create a 'soul-les living' environment, quote taken from Maxwell Hutchinson. This problem has led young families to move out of the city centre towards the countryside.
After going through my own PARS [proposal+analysis+research+supposal], the location that i have chosen is done based on several reasons. The few important ones are to redefine the journey through Briggate and Lower briggate to create a continuous cycle and defines the circulation around the city. The location is also strategically located to regenerate the canal and viaduct which are made redundant. This development would also indirectly advertise the existence of a new project under the tunnel for the people of Leeds to commute. Building another mix use redisential flat must have contradict the problem of flat bombardment, but this is designed to act as a catalyst, to attract young families into the city to fill in the gap in the demographic charts and let them experience 'city living'. The building introduces carlifts, gym, office, nursery and with other amenities such as communal rooms and a shop. This site has the potential to expand the retail and services from Briggate along the river towards Clarence Dock which hopefully will bring more people in to create a more lively environment.
1 comment:
hey ,
i am liking your work. iv been going through some of the stuff. love the way you have rendered your elevations. care to tell me which software youve used. i like the whole shaded ketchy effect.
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