Saturday, 22 May 2010

Final Pin Up

All that is left is the Internal and External examination on Tuesday and Thursday. Then hopefully my sheets would be chosen for the exhibition. Although I am now experiencing a sweet relief from stress, preparation for the exhibition in Paris will start tomorrow or Monday, just need a day to rest.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Final Sheets 3 & 4 [2/4]

The 2nd quarter of the presentation, number 3 and 4. There are still a number of things to do on the other sheets before I could upload them up. The big white blank on the 4th sheet is where I would pin up a 1:1 scale roofing material I brought from Malaysia. It is exactly as the picture below.

Final Sheets 1 & 2 [1/4]

This is how it would look on my final presentation, the first quarter of the whole lot.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010