When I first step foot into Clark Quay, the only recollection that I could remember is that the Ministry of Manpower [MOM] is located just few minutes away from the MRT station where I would get my work permit, which reminds me, I have to renew mine soon. Cant believe it has been nearly a year working in Singapore. But what I failed to realised, there was a huge tree like sutrcture just around the corner on the other side of the MRT station, which happen to be an iconic feature. I just happen to bump into the location because my friend brought me around the place as it is a hot spot for drinking and hanging out by the river and incidently my company also had our Chinese New Year lunch around the area.

The major structure was design by Alsop and it was a dramatic redevelopment of the river district for Clarke quay, a mixed used scheme that is vibrant and an attractive destination which cost 45.3 million euro. The project was successful because the archtiect and engineer are able to manipulate the site's microclimate using sophisticated shading/cooling system. The system was integrated into the structure itself to enhance the visuality of the apce and its environmental agenda. The success of the space itself was confirm by the dramatic increase in foot traffic which increased by 4 fold.
The first picture is taken from the internet and the ones below are taken with my Iphone. Enjoy.