I promised a friend to show how I did my perspective montage and I have provide a general step by step of my rendering methods. Obviously I do not think it is the best way, but its the only way I know. I must inform that my method, for some paritcular reason, has a certain 'quality', not sure if I am using the right word, which does not make it look 'real' compared to a proper rendering, I feel its more animated. If this 'quality' is fine, then follow every steps I make, or else better ask someone else if a 'more real' rendering is needed. Hope this step by step guide helps.
Programmes used: Autocad, Sketchup, Kerkythea, Photoshop
I start by having a JPEG with the outline of the building and some of the surrounding to define the space that needs to be rendered. Obviously you already need to know what you want to achieve in that particular view. I use Sketchup as my 3d modeler and so I export an Autocad file to CAD and then save it as a PDF before transfering into Photoshop. I do not jsut save the 2d image straight from Sketchup as the line quality is still blurry, and the space define between lines is vague as well. If its for a rough render then its okay, I always go for the engineering style, I think I got the name right.
Next is to render that particular angle you want. If you are planning to use Kerkythea, which is a free plug in to Sketchup, always save all the scenes that you want and never change the viewing dimension when you are about to render in Kerkythea. If a new scene is made in Kerkyhtea, the viewing dimension changes and you will not get that wide view. Well, render and add image into Photoshop.
Clean the image up however you want. I always start my montage with the background to give myself a sense of the surrounding, its just my style, but I have contradicted this step far too many times. It is up to you to decide which you want to start first.
Same thing here, additonal sky is added. It feels like I have done loads lol.
The previous backgrounds are added based on photos, but ground flooring is a pattern that I use in Photoshop, the icon I used is the Pattern Stamp Tool. You just need to have the right JPEG, add into the library, select your desired area and colour it in. WA LAAA. How to add to pattern library? Photoshop>Edit>Define Pattern, but you need to have that particular JPEG open.
If you realise, everything is done starting with the background, so everything else can be layed on top, without the need to move your layers all the time in Photoshop.
The space has been created, you have the sea, sand, walkway, pond, building and jungle. Everything can always be touch up again at the end.
After you are happy with the big scale editing, its time to do the smaller scale items which would make the render prettier. This image I have added some trees on the right with very light opacity and some trees by the main entrance. To make your life easier, trees are prepared in advanced, so it can used on all other project as well.
Next is to give the building more detail, the design pattern is added, and all of this are just JPEG that are put in place, nothing complicated.
Add more trees!!!! It looks pretty decent now. Remember to always add SHADOW to all things, it creates depth and it wont look like it is floating.
The final step is obviously to fill the space with people. I know a lot of people like to use people where you can still see their face, shirt etc. I prefer to have mine desaturated, because using the 'real' reflection is not always clear or perfect, so that makes an inconsistent image, but that is just my preference.
And if you want too, you can add some touch up like the bird in the sky etc. Remember to always make sure everything is to scale or else it looks weird. I do mine by drawing a LINE in sketchup to a certain height for guidance. Most of the supporting image in this render are lower in opacity to ensure that the focus would be towards the building. Well, it looks like a very short guide lol. I hope this helps in some ways, but remember, this is just my way. :)
Will upload a similar thing for the site plan soon.